Our product listings are very comprehensive and usually include the numbered edition in the product’s title and the publisher edition in the listing’s side-bar:
Note that some games have different and separate editions whereas other games have different printings.
For example, Twilight Imperium has four different editions that contain major modifications with each edition; including changes to rules, appearance general gameplay, etc.
Other games, like Gloomhaven - which has one edition but seven printings, have different printings which make no major modifications to gameplay, but can include minor modifications such as typo-corrections as each print run of the game rolls out of the factory.
We always endeavour to ensure our images depict the correct appearance of the items we sell, however discrepancies may occur from time to time and as such, we encourage customers to read our product listings carefully before purchase!
Our stock is also constantly replenished, so you can shop confidently knowing that we likely have the most recent printing of your game stocked-in.
If you would like to confirm prior to purchase however, contact our Customer Care team.